Saturday, April 27, 2013

I like to Move it Move It. 🏃

Anyone who has known me for years know that I am so fickle! Lol.

Last few weeks with the devastations on Boston I had the opportunity to visit. Not only because it was my grandmothers birthday but because Boston always steals my heart. I'm considering a move. Of course my move is contingent upon several factors: residence current and prospective, employment, my grandmother, and school.

If I can secure at least a job and nursing program, I'll be able to better decide. I'm not the type that wants to move blindly with no job and in hopes of getting something because to me, that's too risky so I will be doing my research and preparing myself. Of course my move is not final but I need to start opening myself for the possibilities. Of I don't move, maybe ill do traveling nursing. What I can do is: after official decision of application process is complete, I'll solidify my plans.

I love things about the south but, I love way more things about the north.

On another note.…

I did get a chance to run up there. It was nothing but aside from that mini run, I did some yoga at the house. Boy was my progress at the gym tested when I had to lift the heaviest cart up two flights of stairs!

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