Friday, May 15, 2009

Yeah, Im talkin to you!!!!

This is just something I just gotta get off my chest. I've always told people " I can be one of the nicest people you ever meet, or I can be the biggest itch, you ever met." I say that intentionally, but its an empty threat unless you cross me. Recently I had the privilege of finding out some very important information in regards to some of my friendship. It seems that these same "friends" were the ones picking on me, and making fun of me when I was not around. Now I'm the type of person, If I love (as in cool with) you ( or maybe even just like you) I will give you the shirt off my back and the shoes off my feet just to guarantee your comfort over mines. Ive been through a tough childhood/adulthood and would shield anyone else from going through some of the things that I've been thru. But you wouldn't know that, would you? I don't hang a big banner over my head stating my series of unfortunate events because I don't feel that I need to. (Kinda like that Zoloft commercial with the sad dude with the cloud over his head.) So why in the world would you get some sick twisted joy over putting me down. I've been nothing but a friend to you. Inviting you to events that I was attending, calling just to check up on you to make sure that you was okay. Wasting 1 of 1000 text messages to find out how was your day, and what do I get in return....Crap. You are an adult... once again I ask, What joy do yo get out of it. In grade school it woulda flew because that what made some of the kids popular You'd get more friends, you get an reputation around campus so others wouldn't want to step to you. But guess what??? YOU ARE AN ADULT NOW. Theres no clicks, or in crowd in the corporate world. Its a dog eat dog world, and you can be replaced in a heart beat. Here you are making these "stories" up about so and so and so and so and trying to glam up the &h!t hole of a life you have now and you got the nerve to laugh at me???? Some one whose show diversity thru adversity and turned my life of rags to riches????That's a joke.. Better yet you are a JOKE. Some one with a Napoleon Complex who feels the need to be the life of the party.. how old are you again.. I though so.....

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