Thursday, October 1, 2009

Acquired Indecisiveness Disorder

So me and one of my lady friends was doing the chit chat thing today. I was tellin' her how I want to go ahead and take a few model pics with a professional photographer, and the fact that the two I have in my life are.... not so much. Not that they aren't good but they be on that bouji tip when it comes to taking pics. I wanna say that I've been kinda tryna take pics for the past.... oh, year or so. But still to no avail. Well anywho, I was telling her that I wanted to take pics but knowing me, I would want to do the make up and direct the shoot. I have soooooo many ideas in my head and I feel like I get overloaded when it comes to putting them down. I have scenery, make up ideas, outfits.. everything to the T ( or should I say G) but still... I haven't done anything about it.
A couple of months ago, I decided that before I hit 25 I was going to accomplish two goals a) go to Haiti b) get my motorcycle.. Well the latter of the two ain't gonna happen because I let "New Boy." intimidate me with his stories of traumas..... Which kinda sucked... I sooo had my heart set on a crouch rocket..... and a letter jacket. So needless to say, I finalized that plan to just going to Haiti by the time I the big 2-5. But know that I think about it.. I'll go when I go.. no hurry. It will get done....
Problem #2:
I always wanted to be a Doctha growing up ( hence the name). Well... going through school, I keep "dumbing it down just because I didn't want to be the fool that spent 8 years in school only to decide.. yeah, I wanna be something else.. So of course I went through the whole career assessments, guidance counselors office and came up with these alternative careers: Psychologist, Cosmetologist, Nurse, and Writer/Artist. So I decided, since my ultimate goal is in health care, I choose nurse. That way I could get my feet wet and really decide if it was for me.. We'll I decided, MD is for me.. But that's not where my disorder kicks in. It kicks in when I realize that it gonna take me forever to finish school. By the time I graduate, you might as well stick a pair of depends on me and call it a day..... Hell by the time I'm a doctha, OBGYN TO BE EXACT, I would have already gone through menopause and wouldn't even know what a period feels like.. How am I suppose to symphatize with my patients then.... NO beueno. So
Problem #3:
One morning, I decided I wanted to go to the military. Well... now the choice is Military vs. Grad School vs. Med school.. I'm doing too much. And IDK whats the best choice to make. I wish 70's were the new 40's, then I wouldn't feel as remotely bad for being a confused child as I am.

I could go on forever with my Problem vs. Problems, but I'll end here

Til Pen and Paper Conversate,
I'm Ghost

p.s I promise, I'll be coming back with pics.. my digi is out of commish right now, and it hurts me sooo bad, cuz Im just sooo amped to share my Thrifted/Fashion World with you guyz