To whom much is given, much is required. Lately I've been bothered by the standards that some set for others and not themselves. If you're gonna set expectations for me, please check your self at the door. Double standards is not whats up. Once upon a time, I had a friend. This friend always looked down at what I did, but when it came to her actions. She saw no harm in it. I understand that as a Christina its important to lead a clean lifestyle and its also your responsiblity to spread the Word. I get that. But I believe that some where in the word it states not to judge.
"My God is my judge, no gown, no gavel."
I believe that Im also the type of person that would give you the world if Im allowed to, but when it comes to myself I always short change my self. Does that make sense??? Should it be the other way around or should it even be on the same playing field. I love to love. I remember at time when I was in love so bad that it hurt. <<>
I believe that Im also the type of person that would give you the world if Im allowed to, but when it comes to myself I always short change my self. Does that make sense??? Should it be the other way around or should it even be on the same playing field. I love to love. I remember at time when I was in love so bad that it hurt. <<>